Thick, white pharyngeal gland secretion of Nurse Bees that is fed to Queen Bees.
Health Benefits of Royal Jelly
Immune System
Royal Jelly suppresses Gram-Positive types of Detrimental Bacteria (due to its Royalisin content) including: Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.
Royal Jelly prevents many forms of Cancer (due to Royal Jelly Specific Unsaturated Fatty Acids 1-Hydroxydecenoic Acid and 10-Hydroxy-2-Decenoic-Acid):
* Royal Jelly prevents and treats Leukaemia (due to 10-Hydroxydecenoic Acid).
* Royal Jelly helps to prevent and treat Sarcomas (a group of Cancers) [scientific research - mice: Royal Jelly supplementation prior to transplanting Sarcoma cells into mice resulted in an extension of survival time of 20% and a reduction in tumour size of 50% compared to untreated mice who also received transplants of Sarcoma cells].
Muscoskeletal System
Royal Jelly can cause significant allevation of the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis (due to Vitamin B5 and 10-Hydroxydecenoic Acid).
Royal Jelly Contains these Substances
Amino Acids: | |
Carbohydrates: | |
Fatty Acids: | 10-Hydroxy-2-Decenoic Acid (10H-2DA) |
10-Hydroxydecanic Acid | |
10-Hydroxydecenoic Acid | |
2-Decendioic Acid | |
P-Hydroxybenzoic Acid | |
Proteins: | Royalisin |
Vitamins: | Vitamin B1 |
Vitamin B2 | |
Vitamin B3 | |
Vitamin B5 | |
Vitamin B6 | |
Inositol | |
Biotin | |
Folic Acid |